AA - Alcoholics Anonymous - BC/Yukon Area
Addictions / Substance Use
Provided by Alcoholics Anonymous
What is an AA Meeting?
The size and format of meetings vary. Some are small, with a few people sitting around a table or in comfy chairs, and a few are in large halls and may comprise upwards of 200 people. Most meetings are attended by around 15 to 50 people.
There are two main categories of meeting, Open and Closed:
Contact the AA Central Office to get further information on Alcoholics Anonymous, speak to an AA member or find local AA meetings. There are several hundred AA meetings every week in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley.
Location finder: https://bcyukonaa.org/meetings/
604-435-2181(BC/Yukon Area 79)
Website: https://www.bcyukonaa.org/
250-383-7744 (Victoria Intergroup, 24 hrs/day)
Public email: vicintgpco@shaw.ca
Website: https://www.aavictoria.ca/
#8, 2020 Douglas Street, Victoria, British Columbia, V8T 4L1
604-434-3933 (Vancouver Intergroup, 24 hrs/day)
Public email: staff@vancouveraa.ca
Website: https://www.vancouveraa.ca/
3457 Kingsway, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5R 5L5
604-615-2911 (Abbotsford)
Public email: info@abbotsfordaa.org
Website: https://abbotsfordaa.org/index.php/home/
250-753-7513 (Nanaimo Intergroup)
Public email: nanaimoaa@shaw.ca
Website: https://nanaimoaa.org/
#212, 285 Prideaux Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 2N2
1-800-735-7520 (Kelowna)
250-545-4933 (Vernon)
250-490-9216 (Penticton)
1-866-233-5255 (Cowichan Valley Area)
1-800-883-3968 (Mid-Vancouver Island)
250-338-8042 (Eastern Vancouver Island: Denman Island, Fanny Bay, Hornby Island)
250-287-4313 (Campbell River, Cortes Island, Gold River, Quadra Island, Sayward, Tahsis)
250-498-9156 or 250-498-8800 (Southern Interior BC)
250-505-4672 or 250-352-3391 (Kootenay Area)
250-395-6154 or 250-593-4369 (Central BC: 100 Mile House & 108 Mile House)
250-559-4568 (Haida Gwaii)
250-627-1119 (Prince Rupert)
250-564-7550 (Northern BC: Fort St. James, Hixon, Mackenzie, Prince George, Quesnel, Vanderhoof)
250-342-2424 (Columbia Valley)
Cost: No cost
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Alcoholics Anonymous:
Service area: Province-wide
Service Types Provided
Ways to Access
- Provided at multiple locations
- Provided in a group in-person
- Provided online: email / video / on-line
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.